EFT (Tapping)
EFT is a stress-reduction method for overcoming emotional problems, addictions, phobias, and the physical manifestations arising from these emotional issues. According to EFT, blockages in the body explain our “unresolved” emotions - fear, grief, anger, and despair. When we unblock the “kinks” in our energy field, the emotions resolve themselves. EFT is able to reduce the negative emotional impact of memories and past incidents, and, consequently, to reduce the emotional and physical pain associated with the past.
How Does It Work?
With EFT, you tap on certain energy points (adapted from acupuncture meridians) while tuning into a problem or issue. Most of the tapping points are on the hands and upper body. It looks pretty silly, this tapping, but, in fact, it works!
Research in the last five years shows that tapping sends a signal to the primitive part of the brain (amygdala) which controls our automatic reactions or instinctual emotional responses to the world. This signal interrupts the instinctual stress response (fight-or-flight) and tells the brain to relax and to perceive the situation in a new, less-charged way. As a result, the stress, fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions that were bound up in programmed responses are lessened, allowing the body-mind-spirit to come into realignment.
EFT has helped many people like you with:
chronic pain
over-eating, smoking, money issues
colds, allergies, headaches
depression, anxiety, trauma
self-esteem issues
“I had cold or flulike symptoms hanging around, trying to get me down for over a week. I called Libby for an EFT session, and in 10 minutes I felt a dramatic shift. My sore throat was much clearer. The next day my symptoms were totally gone, and I've been healthy since. Thank you, Libby!”
— R.F.
EFT has the APA's Stamp of Approval
Western medicine has long ignored this tie-in between the body’s subtle, but strong, energy patterns and distress--both emotional and physical. Perhaps because EFT was made so readily available by its founder, Gary Craig, on YouTube, on the Web, in free, or very inexpensive, manuals, psychologists poo-pooed it as just another "mass marketing" schema. However, the American Psychological Association has finally given EFT its stamp of approval, granting CEU credits for those who take EFT trainings. And, even though it sounds strange to many who aren't familiar with it, this paradigm of the body's energy system as the key to health on the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical levels, is gaining more and more credence as its effectiveness becomes indisputable.